Thursday, September 1, 2011

If you want to walk and text that's cool.....

But move the fuck out of my way before I go Bobby Boucher on your punk ass! 

Today I found myself hating on just about everything. It may just be because I'm getting older and more tired of the world, that I'm growing more pessimistic. I'm basically already the old man yelling at 12 year old's to "Get the fuck out of my yard, you're killing the grass!"(even in the middle of a 40 consecutive day heat wave of 100+ degree temperatures with no rain and the grass is already brown as shit)...
But that's what I'm turning into and I don't like it. We all hate on things/people to some degree, it's just our nature. Like when the lines at the gas station are full and you're 3 cars deep but not even in a real hurry, you just steady hate on the guy taking his time in the front of the line. You're all like "fucking shitty ass car, that car looks like if a Kia and a Pinto had sex and then took a shit together, it would be the baby!", "How are you gonna wear dickies with a tucked in shirt and a tie, pimp?" or "You look like you smell like metal or some old ass Sulphur oxide!" Shit like that, then you have to go in the store while you're waiting and you'll walk right by the guy and be like "oh, how ya doing?" And smile like he never did any wrong to you. It's really sissy ass shit that I catch myself doing. I'll be stuck in traffic cussing and making fun of everyone in front of me or beside me but if they rolled down their window and asked me what I'm talking about I'll probably say "Oh, just listening to this game on the radio and it's pissing me off!" Also when people try to start conversations with me I sometimes just blurt out something negative, without even thinking about it. I used to be very social and good at improvising a conversation when I meet new people, now I just feel like I have something better to do than to talk to you(if I don't already know you and even then, I would still probably rather do something else).  A few days ago this guy in one of my classes asked me if I ever shopped at Abercrombie or if I knew where one was, around here? Instead of saying something polite like, "No man, I sure don't know where one is." or "yeah, there is one in the mall not too far from here." I just blurted out "Fuck naw man! I couldn't even wear that shit when I was skinny because it only fits skinny, manorexic, tight jean wearing model types with hair that is very soft like chicken broth. Fucking Gay!" And he was like "Oh." probably doing the same thing I do thinking to himself "What a dick!" but too chicken shit to actually say it.

Anyway I do kind of like how Abercrombie hated on The Situation and paid him not to wear their attire, that was pretty cool and admirable. They should get Pauly D to rock their pretty boy shit, but it probably won't fit him either because he's not built like a girl and his arms are bigger than toothpicks.  

But yeah, I guess the point of this is I've just been kind of doing a self assessment and I don't like the negative person I've become. I used to be way more happy and playful when interacting with people. I wonder what made me this way? Is it really just because I'm getting older and less impressed with a lot of things? Is it because of the internet and the fact that I spend so much time on there, that I don't have to worry about offending it with an emotionally undignified response, therefor carrying over that same behavior in the real world? I don't want to turn into a complete dick like guys I used to make fun of. I'm now turning into that same asshole and need to stop being so spiteful. My goal this week(for the rest of it anyway) is to stop hating. Period.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go watch the College Football Season get kicked off with DeVry dominating ITT Tech on Pay Per View because I can afford it and you probably can't. Your mom is pregnant with 4 kids by 4 different daddies that all smell like feet and wear mustard stained wife beaters under their buttoned up abercrombie shirt tucked into some dickies with a clip on tie. 

Stop Hating!

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