Friday, March 30, 2012

What is funny? How can you be funny? Is it a learned behavior or a talent?

It's an age old question. It can be something simple like observations that you happen to notice, and point them out just before your friends realize them, but then they agree... and it turns into some lulz. For example, I used to always laugh at titties when I was a kid. I just thought they were funny when I was 8 or 9 years old. I told some college buddies this and they all agreed and laughed with me. Stupid fucking example, Yes. But an example none the less.

Oh, and before I get too far into this (and this has absolutely nothing to do with this blog btw), do any of you have like a soundtrack song playing in your head when you're walking around and shit? I was thinking about this during my wait at the Dr.'s office this morning. Whenever I get out of my car and start my walk to my classes I have that song by Pusha T "Trouble On My Mind" playing in my head and I feel so hood, and like everyone around me is noticing how hood I carry myself. 

I myself (for the most part) have always had a different way of looking at things. There are a shit ton of things that I think are hilarious, but I won't even bother telling other people. I laugh at least 20 times a day at inappropriate shit that I think is hilarious, but some dickhead will make a thing out of it and make me feel guilty, although 80 percent of most people will laugh undercover (Like at old people riding electric wheelchairs on city sidewalks for instance.) That's the key though. You have to find something that people think is hilarious, but it doesn't make them feel like they are going to hell for laughing at it. That's where the genius of comedy comes into play. 

There are also certain parameters that work for some people and not so much for others. Like it's easier for black people in a lot of cases. They can make fun of us white people and it usually kills, because it's funny and true and we laugh hard. But I dare you to try a joke in reverse on a predominantly black audience. It will get you either boo'd, or worst case, killed. Both options suck. So you have to be very careful there. I try to stick to simple shit. Here are a few things that make me laugh, and I don't think they offend too many people.

I tend to find that Terrorism, the War On Drugs and AIDS is something we all agree on in some capacity. We all (for the most part) agree that these things are either terrible, stupid or really suck...BUT, I think it's funny (at least to me) because my theory is that they are all intertwined. Each can be funny, ironic or plumb fucking stupid. But what I do know is that Terrorists sell drugs. The drugs are sold to drug addicts who eventually become so entwined with said drugs that they start making sex with monkeys and then we have AIDS. It's a perfect triangle. Almost like the slave trade of the 16th and 17th century. Oh, it's wrong and easy to diagnose the problem, but it took like 3 centuries to fix that shit. We'll probably never fix any of the above topics, but just a simple realization that they all feed off of each other is funny to me. Probably no one else. Again, that's whats tricky. Is it better to make myself laugh, or you? 


I know by now we probably will never stop any of the above (well again, for at least maybe 3 centuries, one day it may happen). Except maybe we could stop AIDS if Magic Johnson would piss in a cup and throw it on people with the Ades. Terrorism is something that has been going on for millenniums. As long as someone disagrees with your religion or way of life, they are gonna bomb the fuck out of you. The War on Drugs though: LOL. That shit will never end. Every generation of kids will try something to make themselves either feel better in a moment, or possibly for longer moments which can sometimes tragically turn into not being able to function without a mind altering substance, however it's a joke in itself how we combat such a war on something that can never truly be stopped. The money and resources we waste to stop people from finding simple pleasures is ridiculous. It's a debate for another day though, it's not funny anymore since I've discussed it too much already. I will just say we should change the phrase "War On Drugs" to "War on shit that isn't making politicians as rich."

OK. so none of this shit is funny. At all. But it's what I was thinking about in my Chemistry Lecture class earlier in the week and again, today in the ER. In order to make the world better, it takes some serious pondering. I'm at a point where I want to contribute to society instead of taking from it. We all need to ponder ways to make this world better. So if we can all come to an agreement on shit that's hilarious to all of us, it's a hell of a good start.

Some funny shit, at least for me, are Snakes. I fucking hate snakes. But I love to watch them on TV and shit. I think they are fascinating creatures. To me, snakes and homeless people are just alike. It's so awesome to just observe them in their natural environment or habitat, but you have to be careful and not get too close to them. Because they will fucking bite you. Not all of them are venomous, but they do carry certain bacterias that can give you all kinds of shit, including Hep-C(more so with the vagrants than snakes though). Also, another funny thing about snakes is no matter what kind of snake you see in your yard, if my Aunt Brenda sees it, it's either a fucking Copperhead, Black Mamba or a Water Moccasin. All will kill you. I once found a green grass snake and Aunt Brenda told me I was just asking for it, and it was gonna kill me. But I'm no punk ass punk. I mean I fear snakes, but being from Louisiana I know when a snake will fucking kill me or not, or at the very least swell my arm up so bad it will look like a dead fish on Holly Beach that exploded from being dead for too long in the heat. 

Those things are NASTY and that's what your arm will look like if it gets bit by a God Damn Cobra Kang Snake. 

This is all I have for now. Many of you may have noticed from my facebook posts, I'm going through some philosophical shit in my life. I'm pondering whats most important. I know humor is one of the main elements along with fire, wind and water and some other shit. Oh and Mighty Mighty Math Powers like Team Umizoomi. Family is most important of course. But Mighty Mighty Math Powers can give anything a run for it's fucking money.

So sorry if I didn't make you laugh in this one. But I'm in a phase of thinking. 

I need less stress and more confidence to make you LOL like I want to. And no fucking way I'm touching that shit about that Mexican guy that shot that black kid in a rich neighborhood, like some of you asked me to weigh in on. All I know is if I lived in a rich neighborhood and some black kid was walking around wearing a hoodie, I'd probably ask him what he's listening to on his iPod because I need some new shit for my workout playlist. Sick of the drama invovled in this case. Maybe the kid was a thug. Maybe the Mexican guy was a paranoid racist. Maybe a squirrel likes humping a bullfrog. I don't fucking know. And I don't know shit about this case except that the media is pumping it hard, so I'm gonna stay out of it. I'm a "Do Nothing" type of revolutionist. I just like to watch other people riot. That's just how I get down.

I will just say that I know that guy was wrong. But Neighborhood Watch dudes are usually overzealous nerds. You know, hall monitor types (Especially the ones that stay strapped on the reg to patrol a fucking street not named MLK Blvd.). People shouldn't be shocked that he wanted to shoot someone. Them are some Sgt. Eugene Tackleberry type motherfuckers most times. 

Keeping it realer than your Mexican neighbor wearing some khaki pants, a top flight security of the world hat, a mustard-stained wife-beater with a belt in one hand and a half empty bottle of wild turkey in the other hand looking to bust caps into light skinned black dudes creeping through his spot with a gray hoodie while calling 911 on the reg. 

And I'm gonna stay keeping it the perfect amount of real because my 20 dollars didn't win me shit tonight. Still Broke! 

1 comment:

  1. I know. They're changing things up on here too often now. Hard to get used to.



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