Well this show "Shark Feeding Frenzy" had a segment that made Les Stroud not as boring as usual. He did this experiment where he drained his own blood and then drained the blood of a tuna fish, put them both on a dummy(Les Stroud himself could have just played the dummy and it wouldn't have been a stretch), and set them afloat. Well just so you know, the Shark went hard on Les Strouds' blood and ignored the fish blood. That blows that theory all to hell that Sharks don't want to kill you. They actually would rather kill you than anything else in the sea. People are like the Lobster for Sharks. It's a rarity unless someone else is paying for it or it just falls into your lap(for instance this crack head in Cleveland tried to sell me a lobster outside of Giant Eagle one time).
But yeah, you are like Lobster for sharks. The good lobster too, not that shit they served in the D-FAC at Camp Liberty. This is what you look like to a shark whenever you are swimming.
Be aware of that at all times when you're swimming in Destin or especially in Australia where sharks are way harder than sharks in America(comparatively speaking the Sharks in Australia are like the Rolling 60's in Compton during the mid-80's when they were merking everyone for wearing red, and the Sharks in America are like those white dudes in your junior high that talked like they were black and wore G-Nikes but bitched up when they saw a black dude).
That's whats up though. Sharks are really stalking you, it's not an accident or a mistake. I probably can't stress this enough to you and I've been preaching it for years.
While we're on current events, the white house is shitting the bed again with our finances(and in other news, water is fucking wet). I also want to admit that I'm completely ignorant on the debt crisis in America. I know for years our National debt has been in the trillions of dollars, we owe China most of it and if you stacked the amount of dollar bills that equaled our National debt, it would go to the moon and back etc... People from all walks of life(Mostly Rich People or Teachers though) have tried to explain how the debt thing works to me and I just never seem to comprehend it. I've always felt like we are America, why the fuck do we owe anybody anything? Why can't we just invent more currency. Like why can't we just tell China "Bitch, you owe us for letting you have a country." I feel like America is Tony Soprano and everyone else is like Shaggy from Scooby Doo.
THIS TIME AMERICA WINS(not in sharks but other shit)
If Tony Soprano needed a dime bag of weed and Shaggy gave it to him, do you really think Tony would pay? What Tony Soprano would do is get in Shaggy's personal space, real calm like and start breathing real heavy like my dad does when he's eating ice cream, and he'd just give him that look and BOOM. Nothing. Shaggy would just know that he's not getting this money, homes. Well that's how I feel about America and our national debt. I don't understand why we can't be the best country in the world instead of the most broke country in the world where the poor people get more poor. Used to be our poor people still had it better than some rich people in other countries but you can't feed me that bullshit anymore. I know for a fact that we're vastly lowering ourselves to the same level of all the shit countries around the world, and before too long we will be like Cuba if we keep letting these bitches punk us for our monies. I don't know. I'm not an economics expert by any stretch of the imagination and even if I was I still probably wouldn't be able to understand how WE are in debt to ANYONE.
To sum it up, Bear > Les. "Shark Feeding Frenzy" is one hell of a cool name for a show. Who wouldn't want to watch Sharks in a frenzy(although it was false advertisement because not one "frenzy" was shown). I owe a shit ton of money to the local library that they will never get(like how other countries shouldn't get paid by America). Fuck Les Stroud. As long as your dick isn't dirty, you can take a quick piss and not wash your hands and it's legit. Sharks still hate you as a person, but love the way you taste. You are a lobster. Rolling 60's went hard in the 80's. White dudes that wanted to be rolling 60's didn't. Oh, but please believe I had me some G-Nikes in 94 through like 97.
Fuck everyone that thinks we owe them money. Tony Soprano has respiratory issues. So does Pops. Tony doesn't fear Shaggy. Rich people understand economics better than poor people. Don't want to be Cuba. When I hear that song "Fastlane" by Eminem and Royce Da 5'9 it makes me want to pistol whip ur Grandma. Sign up for this site, subscribe to me. Comment. Also get on Google plus. And do it. Do it.
BOL!!!!!!! Love the US/Soprano comparison! So true!!!
ReplyDeletei could so see T. Soppranno punking someone out lol. he would start breathin like he's bout to have cardiac arrest and almost look like he wuz gnna kiss you. then tell u how its gunna be and slap ur face gently an walk away. the message was sent appropiately.